Mobile Home Retrofit Foundation Certifications

Mobile Home Foundation Retrofit Services & Inspections For FHA Certification & HUD Code Compliance

Do You Need Mobile Home Retrofit Services For An FHA Loan App?

It’s common knowledge that you can’t get a standard FHA, VA or conventional home loan on a mobile home if it doesn’t pass a permanent foundation inspection after completing a mobile home retrofit. There are different requirements for FHA or conventional loans, but it all boils down to whether you completed a retrofit on your mobile home for a permanent foundation or not. We are experts at retrofitting mobile homes in Texas, Florida or Oklahoma! You can find out more about our prices and service schedule by contacting us now about our retrofit foundation services. 

How The FHA Foundation Certification Inspection Process Works

Did you already complete the mobile home retrofit process? We can do your inspection for you to certify it. Our mobile home foundation inspection is designed to assess if the home can pass FHA, VA and USDA requirements as specified in the HUD code permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Housing, September 1996. For conventional loans, our mobile home foundation inspection on TDHCA guidelines as specified in Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing, December 2012. We follow all guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Housing for our inspections. 

FHA Loan Requirements

FHA loans for mobile homes are very common due to low down payment and for those with a less than stellar credit score. FHA being a government loan type has very strict requirements for mobile homes to pass for FHA compliance.  Here is a list of requirements and photo examples outlined in our inspections

Piers Under Home

Blocks must be straight and without signs of distress.  Any cracked blocks must be replaced.  Either a concrete pad or state approved pads are allowed.  Any blocks over 36 inches must be double stacked.  Corner piers over 24 inches must also be double stacked.  Pressure treated wood is required with no more than 4 inches of wood stacked on pier.

Skirting Requirements

These are the most common issues – The skirting must be in tact, permanently braced and vermin proof.  No wood to ground contact.  No holes larger than 1 square inch.  Skirting must have 1 vent for every 150 square feet. If you need help repairing or installing skirting, we have a mobile home skirting service you can request.

Conventional loans do not require damaged skirting to be replaced.

Anchors and Straps Requirements

To avoid corrosion, galvanized anchors should be used for vertical or transverse anchors.  Longitudinal stabilizing devices (LSDs) must be in poured concrete to meet guidelines.  Any type of pan system not poured in concrete will not pass for longitudinal support. We offer mobile home foundation repair & retrofitting services if needed.

Decks and Handrails

Any porch landings or steps more than 30 inches tall, FHA requires a handrail with vertical supports.  The steps need to be attached to 4×4 inch posts that are secured to the ground.  Steps need handrails or ballisters on one side. 

Drainage and Grading

The home should have a 5 to 1 grade coming off the edge of the home so that water drains away from the home.  There should not be pooling or runoff under the home.  

Axles and Tongues

Axles must be detached, tongues must be cut and detached.


Contact us today for affordable & professional manufactured home services within Fort Worth, TX and surrounding areas.